Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson begins with a summary of current events concerning Donald Trump and Black violence in the USA, before getting to the bulk of the podcast which debunks two big myths about Joseph Stalin, that he was a Russian nationalist and that he was an anti-Semite. He was neither.
It is one thing to show Stalin was not a nationalist and was philo-Semitic but it is another to explain why these myths have been around for so long, as Stalin's writings and policies were not secret and his works are available to all. The explanation is that the leftist mind eventually tired of the USSR and its misery and sought for ways that it could be denounced.
A search for legislation that assisted the cause of labor in the USSR will prove fruitless as it was never about the workers, but rather the enrichment of a small oligarchic elite that was overwhelmingly Jewish. The USSR could not be hated by leftists just on these grounds, so other foundations were needed. If he could be depicted as “another Hitler” then not only would it be OK to hate Stalinism, but it would also give the left an excuse to say that “Leninism has never been tried.”
Almost without exception, American and western historians paint Stalin as both a “Russian nationalist” and an “Anti-Semite.” The latter especially being believed without question. Stalin is presented this way because it allowed the western left to oppose the USSR in good conscience. Nationalism was universally hated by the ruling class from campus anarchists to corporate billionaires, hence, to recast Stalin as one is to make him non-socialist.
Communism as a vague ideology was never a problem in the minds of the US, the State Department or western corporate capital. Obviously, since corporate capital built the USSR, socialism was a part of the profit structure of American capitalism. Only nationalism was to be fought and therefore, allowing Stalin to be hated by the left required him to be recast as a nationalist and anti-Semite. As with all American academic dogma, this is false.
The myth has been deliberately created. Jewish writers need the gentiles to believe that Hitler and Stalin were the same, lest they be forced to admit that Jews in the USSR slaughtered Christians. By claiming that Stalin was anti-Jewish, they can blunt this claim and argue that the Jews were also targeted. The fact is that the USSR was largely Jewish, was based far more on Jewish ethnic identity than Marxism and certainly had nothing to do with labor. Stalin continued this trend and backed Jewish ethnic interests indirectly throughout his life.
[A paper soon to be published in the Barnes Review on this subject is called: Self-Indulgent Historical Mythology:The Fantasy of Stalin's “Anti-Semitic Russian Nationalism”]
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Stalin the Philo-Semitic Internationalist – TON 071216
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Oh my Dear Lord! You show my benighted soul flashes of Your Light! I had not even known about this program about Stalin at all and I have not listened to it yet but I am about to. yet I want to share this. all week I was plagued by thoughts and recollections about Stalin and all biographies and Revisionist Histories which make him out to be a Saint. And then I remembered the cult that worships him as a Saint and the NazBol priest Zhakov who placed an icon of him in his Church and the more recent outrage over another icon of him commemorating GPW AKA WWII processed about town with other Icons. This is the kind of Prelest that just shocks me! I don't know of any Roman Catholics in France or Spain trying to Canonize Himmler! And in that case you at least have man who fervently believed in Aryan Racialism and thus sought out the oldest forms of and beliefs and spiritual traditions of the Aryans and Germans particularly and his Weisthor's Irminism was like a paganised Germanized Catholicism somewhat! But I have NEVER heard of such a thing! But hey Russian Orthodox Christians thinking it's normal to go about life praying for the intercessions of non-Russian Atheist Jew-laxkey bastard who actively killed clergymen and monks and destroyed Churches and there is nothing g from what I read and believe me I wanted to find evidence that after WWII Stalin had a true conversion and repentance and was close to fulfilling Yockey's Dreams of turning the Soviet State into an anti-Western Renewed NS government to set all his wrongs right but that his plans were cut short by Jews. There is SOME small evidence that can be interpreted that way if you are already wanting to believe in a Prodigal Son Stalin Saintly figure at the end of life BUT there is really not anything that even any personal doubts about his commitment to Dialectical Materialism and total denial of the spiritual or mental plane!
ReplyDeleteIt's complicated and I think Stalin was a useful goyim and that towards the end of life he resented being abused by kikes his entire career as the Boss of the CCCP and lashed out a bit. But that's really it!
Oh my Dear Lord! You show my benighted soul flashes of Your Light! I had not even known about this program about Stalin at all and I have not listened to it yet but I am about to. yet I want to share this. all week I was plagued by thoughts and recollections about Stalin and all biographies and Revisionist Histories which make him out to be a Saint. And then I remembered the cult that worships him as a Saint and the NazBol priest Zhakov who placed an icon of him in his Church and the more recent outrage over another icon of him commemorating GPW AKA WWII processed about town with other Icons. This is the kind of Prelest that just shocks me! I don't know of any Roman Catholics in France or Spain trying to Canonize Himmler! And in that case you at least have man who fervently believed in Aryan Racialism and thus sought out the oldest forms of and beliefs and spiritual traditions of the Aryans and Germans particularly and his Weisthor's Irminism was like a paganised Germanized Catholicism somewhat! But I have NEVER heard of such a thing! But hey Russian Orthodox Christians thinking it's normal to go about life praying for the intercessions of non-Russian Atheist Jew-laxkey bastard who actively killed clergymen and monks and destroyed Churches and there is nothing g from what I read and believe me I wanted to find evidence that after WWII Stalin had a true conversion and repentance and was close to fulfilling Yockey's Dreams of turning the Soviet State into an anti-Western Renewed NS government to set all his wrongs right but that his plans were cut short by Jews. There is SOME small evidence that can be interpreted that way if you are already wanting to believe in a Prodigal Son Stalin Saintly figure at the end of life BUT there is really not anything that even any personal doubts about his commitment to Dialectical Materialism and total denial of the spiritual or mental plane!
ReplyDeleteIt's complicated and I think Stalin was a useful goyim and that towards the end of life he resented being abused by kikes his entire career as the Boss of the CCCP and lashed out a bit. But that's really it!
Dear Moderator it appears that my second comment was erased and my first was repeated
ReplyDeleteDear Moderator it appears that my second comment was erased and my first was repeated
ReplyDeleteAll will add is: I agree with Fr. Matthew Raphael almost entirely BUT I do believe what true Nationalists AKA Social Nationalists must hammer over and over is who is always in the background pulling the strings! And Fr. Matthew did that and gave the stats but I think Kaganovich and the Jews behind him did have a hold over him that he resented and that his lifelong philo-semitism and possible attempts to lash out towards the end of his life at Zionists after the creation of Israel may have gotten him killed. His death on Purim always seemed to be evidence of something to me. Were I not so hateful of the NeoCon Trotskyist rulers we have in the U.S. perhaps I would not have the sliver of sympathy I do but not much!
ReplyDeleteAll in all I agree!
Fr. Matthew you should do your shows in Russian and Ukrainian also! Perhaps you would have greater impact on issues such as this?! Also will you ever do a show commenting on the Russians who want Rasputin and Ivan Grozni canonized/Glorified? Ivan Grozni until his Tsarina Anastasia was poisoned to death by the boyars I would agree. It was his later madness likely due to mercury poisoning attempts on him that led to his horrifying actions that make Glorification impossible
When facts do not go your way and you will not change your mind; then you make crap up. Case in point, this alternative history which presents Stalin as an internationalist and a "philo-semite".
ReplyDeleteThere is often a reason why certain claims are not mainstream. Sometimes they really do threaten power. In this case, these claims are not mainstream because they simply are not true. Stalin is proof positive of the evils of nationalism.
How can you call Stalin a nationalist, when he was the head of the USSR? Are you trying to tell me there was only one ethnicity in the whole of the USSR?
DeleteHave you heard of the Communist INTERNATIONALE?
Once again if the Catholic Church didn't suffer from eastern schismatics after the brief period of unification during the council of Florence,communism wouldn't have succeeded in the East.
ReplyDeleteThe Schism needs to end & the Catholic Church in Rome must renounce & remove the false Novus ordo Vatican 2 sect imposters.