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The Orthodox Nationalist: Neplyuev and the Labor Brotherhood of the Holy Cross


This week Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson brings us a presentation on the social theology of NN Neplyuev, who was a Christian and both nationalist and socialist. "Socialism" has been hijacked by Jewish materialists and revolutionaries who care little for society or labor. Socialism had always, prior to Marx, been an idealist and religious entity based on the idea of love. Love is the opposite of self-seeking. Cicero defined natural law as the restraining of someone from prospering at someone else's expense. Love would be the opposite: suffering so that someone else can prosper. If society is not based on this, it descends into oligarchy, war, evil and irrationality. The ego is a contradiction and cannot sustain rational analysis.

Nepluyev created the Labor Brotherhood of the Holy Cross, or a set of communes and schools throughout Russia to redefine the true nature of socialism. God gave all things in common, including the abilities that the ego had no part in creating. Socialism is the synthesis and integration of reason, will and love into a social whole that treats social functions as equal. The doctor is not more important than the policeman.

Societies based on reason are soulless machines; those based on will are capitalist oligarchies while those based on "sensation" are criminal syndicates. Only though integration, and that through solidarity, can these facilities be balanced into a harmony. That is the real conception of "love" that is traditional to that word, not the stupid, saccharine, Hallmark nonsense that is normally promoted on Valentines day.

Needless to say, the revolutionary government immediately shut down his system when it took over in 1918. Socialists, allegedly caring about labor, shut down an actually functioning socialist commune. This is not atypical. Dying in 1908, Nepluyev became one of the most influential socialist thinkers in the east that today is almost totally unknown.

Presented by Matt Johnson

The Orthodox Nationalist: Neplyuev and the Labor Brotherhood of the Holy Cross – TON 080916


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  1. Father Bless!
    Truly grateful that you are back at recording! I was yet again enlightened and amazed to learn about another great Orthodox patriot whom I had NEVER heard or read of at all. And it is so sad that the economic, social and spiritual worldview which we all so desperately need now was so thoroughly wiped out by the Judeo-Bolsheviks.
    Please always continue to intercede for, educate and edify us!

    The Bakunin quote you referred to is: Bakunin on Marx and Rothschild
    “Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
    This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

    Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216. [My translation - UD].


  2. I am an Elder in a reformed protestant church who is interested with orthodox Christianity. I feel the need to breakaway from the modern evangelical movement. Can someone give me the names of some good orthodox theologians I should read?

    By Grace,

    1. Dear to IC XC,
      Sir, as you stated you are from a Reformed background I would hope that Orthodoxinfo.com would be helpful as it has a specific section dealing with issues of Calvinist and Reform Theology.
      As far as books go, and I'm old fashioned and need actual books in my hands! The Life of Seraphim Rose, his translations, old issues of the periodical he and Fr.Herman published "The Orthodox Word" and his writings are indispensable for Orthodox Christians today whether new to the Faith or born into it.
      Most everything at sainthermanmonastery.com is excellent! Fr.Mikhail Pomazhansky's book 'Orthodox Dogmatic Theology' is really great!
      There are various Orthodox Catechism's online but one I have an old hardcopy of that is great and old, written in early 17th century, is Nicolas Bulgaris composition The Holy Catechism. But I will also tell you that the basic texts by the Church Fathers St.Irenaeus, St.Athanasius, St.Gregory the Theologian and St.John of Damascus were what I first picked up and read and copied passages from in a notebook to learn the Faith! I generally agree with Fr.Matthew that without a background and training in Plato and Aristotle and the terminology you can't understand a great deal of the Fathers and what they wrote BUT St.Athanasius book "The Incarnation of the Word" or St.John of Damascus "The Orthodox Faith" are not hard if you are willing to look up and research some of the terms that arise which a good annotated version will explain.
      BUT what you absolutely must do is get a good prayerbook and I recommend the (ROCOR) the Old Orthodox prayerbook at http://shop.churchofthenativity.net/products/old-orthodox-prayer-book
      And pray and imbibe the words! The prayers of the Liturgical Services handed down to us are what we believe!
      Sorry, I know that's a lot. I don't pretend to know anything or be an expert! just passing on what I was taught.
      You ever need help or have questions you can contact me at placechristiann@yahoo.com
      Asking your prayers!

    2. Thank you, brother. I will take your advice.

      Your brother in Christian

    3. Thank you, brother. I will take your advice.

      Your brother in Christian

  3. Father Bless!
    Dear Fr.Matthew Raphael,
    One statement you made that I took issue with was stating that the idea that Antichrist would be a real person through Satan's effort is enthroned is idiotic. I certainly understand and agree that Antichristian worldview and massive falling away and states and societies can be Antichrist such as the Soviet State and in researching the Old Believers and the Old Beliefs and texts that deal with Eschatology and the coming of Antichrist that it is far far more complex than a man beingn enthroned in Jerusalem to rule a one world government and so but the our predecessors in the Church namely Blessed Seraphim of Platina, St. John of San Francisco, St.Theophan of Poltava, Blessed Averky of Jordanville, but OF COURSE St. Ignatii (Brianchaninov) wrote and complied a great deal on the Antichrist! And they all state he will be a real man likely a Mann the Jews hail as the Messiah. As I see it just as the Jews believe they collectively are the Messiah or Moshiach and through a common spirit and unity such as Zionism they realize the prophecy of the Messiah they still too, at least the Orthodox Kabbalist Talmudists do, still believe it will also be a miracle working world ruler who dominate the peoples of the earth from Jerusalem through a one world government and many Jewish leaders in Israel made statements very hopeful that a future global government would be based in Jerusalem!
    So I ask you to please clarify what you meant stating this was idiotic? Did you mean that limiting Antichrist to such specific prophecies of a man was idiotic? Or that the traditional belief that in the END Antichrist will finally be realized in person of a wicked man aided by Satan?

    1. The Bible says that he who denies Christ is an antichrist and that was referring to the Jews, so the Jews are the antichrist collectively and anyone else who is anti-christian is an anti-Christ. That is my take on it.


    2. I understand and agree with that Sven. I am not sure if you are Orthodox but of course Fr.Matthew is and I was writing more towards the specific prophecies of various saints in time about the person of Antichrist. Of course the interpretation/understanding can be quite complicated. But this eschatology of looking for signs of the times and awaiting the appearance of the Antichrist has ALWAYS been a very prominent facet of Orthdodoxy and especially Russian Orthdodoxy. In fact I would tell anyone seeking out True Orthdodoxy that if who the parish or jurisdiction they are considering does not take Eschatology or prophecies about the End times and Antichrist seriously that such people have lost their spiritual savor and are not Orthodox!

  4. Father Bless!
    Dear Fr.Matthew Raphael,
    One statement you made that I took issue with was stating that the idea that Antichrist would be a real person through Satan's effort is enthroned is idiotic. I certainly understand and agree that Antichristian worldview and massive falling away and states and societies can be Antichrist such as the Soviet State and in researching the Old Believers and the Old Beliefs and texts that deal with Eschatology and the coming of Antichrist that it is far far more complex than a man beingn enthroned in Jerusalem to rule a one world government and so but the our predecessors in the Church namely Blessed Seraphim of Platina, St. John of San Francisco, St.Theophan of Poltava, Blessed Averky of Jordanville, but OF COURSE St. Ignatii (Brianchaninov) wrote and complied a great deal on the Antichrist! And they all state he will be a real man likely a Mann the Jews hail as the Messiah. As I see it just as the Jews believe they collectively are the Messiah or Moshiach and through a common spirit and unity such as Zionism they realize the prophecy of the Messiah they still too, at least the Orthodox Kabbalist Talmudists do, still believe it will also be a miracle working world ruler who dominate the peoples of the earth from Jerusalem through a one world government and many Jewish leaders in Israel made statements very hopeful that a future global government would be based in Jerusalem!
    So I ask you to please clarify what you meant stating this was idiotic? Did you mean that limiting Antichrist to such specific prophecies of a man was idiotic? Or that the traditional belief that in the END Antichrist will finally be realized in person of a wicked man aided by Satan?


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