Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson uses Orthodox Russian sources to expose the truth behind a subject that the Jews often refer to, the so-called Tsarist pogroms in Russia at the beginning of the last century.
The story of the "Tsarist pogroms" is a familiar one. Stated in pious terms, the overpaid American history professor will intone that the "Russian Tsar" ordered his "Black Hundreds" to slaughter Jews for "no reason" in the cities of western Russia. Like all stories of this kind, it is not only false, but utterly nonsensical. The cities where these pogroms were supposed to have occurred were the most strategic in the empire: Kiev, Odessa, Starodub, Minsk and many others. These were at the heart of the old Russian empire economically speaking.
The truth of the matter is quite the opposite of the official history. The violence in western Russia at this time had several qualities in common: few Jews were killed; Jews were almost always the aggressors; and Jews were far better armed than the local police in these areas.
One of the more important reasons for the creation of this myth is to cover over the crimes of the liberal and leftist movements in Russia. Between 1905 and 1906, the Socialist Revolutionaries murdered 15 governors and mayors, 267 security officials and 12 bishops. That is only one single leftist party in just one year. All told, those killed and injured by leftist terror between 1905 and 1907 is more than 20,000 and the majority of the terrorists were Jews. The pogroms were a cover story for this violence.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Truth Behind the ‘Tsarist Pogroms’ – TON 080216
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Kikes are poisonous
ReplyDeleteWhile I dont always agree with Johnson's bias (any self described theist has bias, it's when writers, published commentators, journalists, academics, conceal bias -- religious, tribal, ethnocentric-cultural, economic-nepotism-networks -- usually those self described 'centrists', 'secularists', 'atheists', 'liberal', most harmless, unthreatening sounding labels, it is these people that are hiding the most undisclosed bias), Johnson deserves credit for taking the effort required to gain even some knowledge of pre-revolutionary, tsarist Russia. Perhaps only WWII history concerning Europe's Jews, has been so heavily supressed and covered up with disinformation and propaganda.
ReplyDeleteIt takes some effort to track down references, sources, few of which have ever been translated into English, material that repeats primary, witness accounts, that explains what was happening on the ground, in reality, untarnished by Western and Bolshevik propagandists (don't forget, most native Russian writers, dissidents, were mercilessly exterminated and those who escaped were censored and slandered by their new hosts. Those Western dissidents with the language skills, integrity, defiance, to try and distribute these facts to a wider audience were similarly slandered, even jailed by a Western establishment infiltrated, influenced by the very same ideologues, ethic-fifth-column infesting Russia). The fact is Tsarist Russia was incredibly tolerant, pragmatic and 'progressive', considering the assault they were under. As Johnson explains, the whole pogrom narrative was a story whipped up for a more than willing foreign press, to justify and conceal the reality of Judeo-Bolshevik terrorism. Those very few fact checking accounts that were smuggled out and survive, written by objective diplomats, missionaries, clergy, etc, completely debunk these pogrom hoaxes. Yet another example of Jewish power and reach, to shape history's narrative, for their own benefit.
Anyone who spreads this knowledge to a wider audience is to be commended. Hopefully more and more foreign language material will be translated and distributed thanks to the internet.
Solzhenitsyns reputation has survived relatively intact. He came to prominence at a time when the Jewish, Western attitude to Soviet Union had reversed [suddenly Soviet Union was anti-Semitic as the power demographics became more natural/native]. Perhaps also due to his Red Army service, his obvious suffering and scepticism of the West, independent refusal to become a CIA shill, the Jews decided to avoid targeting him. However, Two Hundred Years Together, his book about Russian-Jrwish relations will find no publisher for a translation. Those chapters which have been translated offer a far more realistic account of this supressed history. One day I will contribute a zip file of everything I have on the subject and offer as a torret
"One day I will contribute a zip file of everything I have on the subject and offer as a torret"
DeleteThat would be most welcome!
Bless Father!
ReplyDeleteAh yes! The original Fackelmännerbefehl !
I recall reading about this in Vladimir Moss's books about the Fall of the Christian Roman Empire and her Church as well as the must read for all NS or Social Nationalists today to persuade others "The First Holocaust" by Don Heddesheimer.
Even those who 'just don't want to hear it's can be shocked into looking into this for themselves when you print out these old spurious newspaper articles about an alleged 6,000,000!
This was an excellent podcast to shine a light on how old these false flag type activities are! The Lavon Affair is not the only only time they got caught red handed!
"Johnson deserves credit for taking the effort required to gain even some knowledge of pre-revolutionary, tsarist Russia. Perhaps only WWII history concerning Europe's Jews, has been so heavily supressed and covered up with disinformation and propaganda."
ReplyDeleteYes, he does. Thanks Dr. Johnson! I am interested in knowing more about the events leading up to the so-called "Russian" Revolution because knowing what I know about the nature of the jews and their ability to twist, mislead and lie, I am very suspicious of what is written in (((mainstream))) history books regarding this very tragic period in history.
". . . To gain even SOME knowledge . . ."
DeleteI hope this was not intended to be condescending. Fr. Matthew Raphael is in a class few Anglophone's EVER can get to with Fr.Seraphim (Rose) and Vladimir Moss! There is no area of Slavic or Orthodox or Occult/Conspiracy History I have ever come across that he is not well read in!
Bless Father!
ReplyDeleteAh yes! The original Fackelmännerbefehl !
I recall reading about this in Vladimir Moss's books about the Fall of the Christian Roman Empire and her Church as well as the must read for all NS or Social Nationalists today to persuade others "The First Holocaust" by Don Heddesheimer.
Even those who 'just don't want to hear it's can be shocked into looking into this for themselves when you print out these old spurious newspaper articles about an alleged 6,000,000!
This was an excellent podcast to shine a light on how old these false flag type activities are! The Lavon Affair is not the only only time they got caught red handed!
Жиди є наше нещастя, їм варто зникнення з лиця землі ! -- Kikes are our misfortune and worth it they DISAPPEAR from face of Earth ! Greetings from National socialist Lviv !