Dennis Wise joins Sven Longshanks once again for another episode of Truth Will Out Radio and this week they discuss the subject matter that will form the central narrative of the first four episodes of his new documentary series. The Catholic Church features quite a lot, starting with the Mexican revolution which saw Catholics lynched and hung from telegraph poles, just a few years before the same was done to the Christians of Russia by the Bolsheviks.
The Church was a bulwark against Freemasonry right up until the defeat of Germany in the second world war, but since then has been heavily infiltrated by them leading to the Mason’s choice taking the position of Pope. This is why the most recent Popes have all promoted humanism and diversity, rather than traditionalism and scriptural instruction. Instead of being a defence against Godless Bolshevism, the Church has become one of the main propagators of it.
As well as encouraging immigration and perversity, the Church has also endorsed modern science, including evolution, the big bang theory and the moon landings. There are doubts about the evidence for all of these and they also serve the purpose of making man into a lesser being, just one species of many that reside upon the earth and just one planet of many in a galaxy, from a universe full of billions.
This struggle we are in, is for how we see reality itself and it has been going on for millennia. As we move further and further away from a perfect beginning, conditions became gradually worse until we get to today, where life is more favourable to those who are anti-life than it is to those who seek a return to the natural order of things. This is why Hitler has been called ‘the man against time’, he stood against the forces of entropy and decay that were eating into the German people. When the need arose, a St Michael did emerge from among the White nations for us to coalesce around and no doubt one will arise again in the not too distant future.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: The Conspiracy Against Catholics – TWOR 042117
Truth Will Out Radio will be back next Friday on Radio Aryan at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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