In Part 13 of the series of narrations taken from Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain, we learn how Arthur became famous for his knowledge and wisdom, how learned people from all the known world came to Britain to his court and how the knights of foreign lands would try to emulate the ways of his men. After twelve years of peace, Arthur heads for Norway and Denmark, to ensure they accept the rightful king Loth, before then heading to Gaul and freeing it from the tyranny of Rome.
A huge celebration takes place that lasts for days and is attended by all the kings and princes of the known world, but at the end of it a troop of delegates from Rome arrive, demanding that Britain pay tribute to them, as it had before to their ancestors. Arthur’s reply is that it is Rome who should be paying tribute to him, since at least two of his ancestors conquered the city and became emperor. The kings and noblemen in attendance all pledge to provide the forces necessary to take Rome and preparation is then made for the battle to end all battles.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations: King Arthur’s Foreign Conquests – HOB 080317
The History of the Kings of Britain will be back on Radio Aryan tomorrow at 12pm EDT/5pm BST
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