In part 16 of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain we learn of the kings that followed after Arthur, the dishonourable Constantine who slew Saxon princes at the altar, the sodomite Malgo who made bloodthirsty wars against the islands and Keredic, a fermenter of civil discords. The Saxons make a pact with the King of the Africans in Ireland and between them and the British tyrants, the country is ravaged and Geoffrey interjects to condemn the behaviour of both nations.
Augustine arrives to convert the Angles, but the Britons have no interest in participating in this as the Saxons have forced them to retreat from Lloegria to Wales and Cornwall. Ethelfrid massacres thousands of monks and hermits at the university of Bangor and a huge war is only narrowly averted, after which the country settles down to some semblance of peace and both Saxons and Britons start holding things in common.
Eventually we get to Cadwallo and Edwin, who fall out over Edwin wishing to wear the crown of Britain when he is a Saxon. Cadwallo is forced to flee and heads for Brittany, where we hear more speeches explaining how this tragic state of affairs came about.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations: The Saxon Domination – HOB 080817
The History of the Kings of Britain will be back on Radio Aryan tomorrow at 12pm EDT/5pm BST
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