Sven Longshanks is joined by Dennis Wise for another edition of Truth Will Out Radio, this week looking at the soon-to-be released Part 6 of The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two, which concentrates on the little known Cristero revolution in Mexico. After selling Texas and other states to America, Communism took hold and for the first time ever, the wholesale destruction of the Church and it’s clergy was written into a country’s constitution. At first this was not acted upon, but after Plutato Elias Calles (a half-Jew) took power he began executing the priests and the congregation, thinking they would never have the courage to fight back. However as always happens in times like these, nature provided a man prepared to head the resistance and Enrique Gorostieta led an armed force of priests and peasants against the Masonic usurpers forcing them to come to a truce, but the laws still remain on the books to this day waiting to be enacted upon.
Dennis explains how he found all this out and how the Ku Klux Klan supported the Communist Calles against the Catholics. The Klan appear to have based their organisational structure on the Masonic one, but that could be explained by them wanting to emulate a successful secret society. But why would they then be supporting the man behind the Communist take over of Mexico? Were the NSDAP aware of this and is this why the Klan were portrayed in a negative light in German propaganda? Were they the equivalent of a civic nationalist organisation today, used to provide a steam valve for the disgruntled masses?
Dennis and Sven discuss this and how the Masons’ tactics against the church have now evolved from physical destruction, to infiltration and subversion from within.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: The Ku Klux Klan and the Mexican Revolution – TWOR 080417
Truth Will Out Radio will be back next Friday on Radio Aryan at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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