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Truth Will Out Radio: Why the Alt-Right Needs National Socialism Part 1 – TWOR 092217


Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise explain why the Alt-Right needs to embrace National Socialism for this week’s Truth Will Out Radio. Many people think NS was all about Germany or was just dealing with problems specific to the time, yet the principles they identified behind them are the same today, even if the solutions may differ.

Taking the NSDAP 25 point plan as a guide, Dennis and Sven go through each point showing how they relate to what we are trying to do today in the Alt-Right. Many of the positions and solutions offered by the Alt-Right are the same, as they are the only logical response to the threats we face as a race. It is wrong to think NS is irrelevant, as it lays out exactly what needs to be done in order to secure our existence and provide a future for our children.

If people were to hear these principles without knowing they were NS ones, they would agree that they are just common sense and contain nothing that should be seen as harmful to anyone, yet because certain people can survive only by making profits at the expense of others, they have done their best to demonise such sensible ideas as only allowing industries that benefit the nation and banning all unearned income taken for doing nothing.

Points 1 to 13 are covered in this podcast.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

Truth Will Out Radio: Why the Alt-Right Needs National Socialism Part 1 – TWOR 092217


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