Today’s Narration is taken from E Raymond Capt’s Biblical Antiquities Book V. It demonstrates that the holy inspiration behind the writers of the Bible knew far more about the nature of our universe 3,000 years ago than we did until the modern age. From describing the earth as a sphere revolving around the sun, to describing how electrons can speak to us through radio and television, these insights are rarely ever referred to and most don’t even know they are there in scripture.
As well as showing the Bible proved by physics, chemistry, astronomy and botany, an extra section is included at the end explaining how Joshua’s long day could have occurred. This is the famous battle where the sun stood still for an extra day that atheists like to mock Christians for believing in. Yet the clues to how this could have happened are included in the surrounding passages of the Bible.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations: Science and the Bible – AN 100617
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