Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson demolishes the conspiracy theory of of a pagan origin for Christ in this week’s episode of The Orthodox Nationalist.
The “argument” that Christ has been stolen and plagiarized from “pagan” stories is one of the stupidest and most immature that continues to plague the internet. And that's saying a mouthful. Scholarship in Egyptology and classical studies at the professional level does not accept any of these arguments. They are the creation of those seeking to destroy the church and it’s influence on society. They are believed because people want to believe them and today, they are mainstream.
Robert Price, Gerald Massey, Godfried Higgins, Gary Greenburg and Randel Helms are some of the bigger names in this field, though none are actually scholars of any sort. They rarely cite primary sources and when they do, it is from the Christian era. They take the names of Christian practice and belief and apply it to anything resembling that from the fragments on the god in question. It's just a dishonest, pseudo-academic scam.
Some of my favorite absurdities to mock is the notion that all these gods and goddesses in the ancient world were “born” on December 25. They don't seem to know that the ancients did not find birthdays significant and these would not be recorded.
The land of the dead or the underworld is not “hell.” The gods of the underworld are, thus, not demons. However, these authors uniformly make this error. The sky, equally, is not “heaven.” Dionysius' mother was a virgin. The term “virgin” means “complete,” “independent,” not “sexless.” The term is not used in its 21st century sense. That these writers argue based on the slang definitions of contemporary words makes their mockery all the worse. Because they can sport a few slogans within the field, they put on an air of authority that can fool the uninformed. There are almost no primary sources extant on Dionysus, and the few that exist show the numerous women that might be his mother to be quite sexual. Almost all the primary sources that exist on any of this is well after Christ regardless.
The litany is familiar: god x was born on 12/25, from a virgin, died and rose again and liturgies were chanted in his remembrance. The sheer number of gods born in December boggles the mind. There were no virgin births described, even if the term “virgin” was properly understood. The mystery schools have zero primary documents available and only a few secondary source mentions, usually of little value and almost all are post-Christ regardless.
Dionysius is the god of wine that, in a few fragments, turns other objects into alcoholic beverages. Therefore, this is the origin of the story of Christ's first miracle. The claim that Dionysus was crucified and “rose again” exists in not a single fragment remaining of this entity. He was torn apart by Titans in revenge for his female followers.
The familiar “dying and rising” god is no longer taken seriously by classical studies. No entity fits this mould unambiguously. The assumption that the winter is “death” and the spring “rebirth” is not found in the fragments that exist on any god anywhere. And no, Horus' ruling over the nether regions is not a “resurrection” or an “ascension.” These beings are not “gods” in our modern sense. They cannot be said to “do” anything. Comparing Mithras to Christianity is comparing Plato to Beethoven. They do not exist in the same plane of thought.
Tammuz, we are told, wore a crown of thorns and was sacrificed yearly in Jerusalem. He was even born in a cave near Bethlehem. He died and rose against from the dead after three days. Tammuz did die by an attack of brigands (an odd way for a god to die), and some hint he still lives, but the means by which this occurred are not known. He is still taken as a god “resurrected from the dead.” The concept of bodily resurrection simply did not exist in that time and place. The rest of the these claims are fabricated entirely. Very little is known of Tammuz's origins or function.
The most common mark of amateurism is to import modern ideas and word meanings onto the ancient world. It is done to provide cover for a bad argument. Isis dips Osiris' body parts into the Nile (the characters change depending on the fragment). He is put together. This is called a “resurrection.” This is also not a “baptism” because water was involved. Yet this is the word used so as to conjure up a connection in the inattentive mind. A god changing form is not a “transfiguration.” A fellowship meal is neither a liturgy not communion.
While these characters are easy to mock, they have created armies of followers who believe themselves experts on the classical world. Folks, the primary sources are not secret. The fragments exist, in English, on the internet. Those writing in this field assume that their readers will not read the fragments for themselves and, even if they did, do not have the context to interpret the symbols correctly.
Natural law extols motherhood, venerates the power of the father, wonders about spirits, seeks assurances about the afterlife, searches for the meanings of good and evil and forces science cannot comprehend. All societies deal with these topics without exception and thus, no one “copies” another in their regard. All religions are identical in this respect.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Refuting a Pagan Origin for Christ – TON 100417
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