In this first of a four part series of Pelasgian Narrations, we will look at the struggle for female rights in Nationalism, during the National Socialist era. We will use the book “The New Bulgarian Female” by Fani Popova Mutafova as a guide to the popular Nationalist views and ideas about female rights, mentality and education. The author had good connections to Germany and National Socialism as she was a part of the “European League of Writers” that Dr Goebbels created. We will see the direct stance of Nationalism towards women between the years 1934-1944, however viewed from the eyes of an Axis ally.
In this first part,we will quickly look over her Biography. Then we will move on to the first article titled “What did the woman gain,and what did she lose from her emancipation” where the author, as a junior National Socialist, will review the the struggle for female rights up until 1934, it’s goals and it’s aftermath. Then she will lay out the ideas for Nationalist female rights, tasks and duties. In the end she does not condemn, deny or approve this struggle for female rights as envisioned by the feminists and Pankhurst, but instead identifies it’s core and basic aims as false and calls for the female to be brought back to the family, instead of taking her outside of it.
In the second article we will again look at the same topic. The article is named “On New Paths” and has a similar review of early feminism, but this time concentrating on the specific Marxist idea of female equality and rights. We will again see the ideas and concepts of the Marxist ideology for the female and the following aftermath of the implementation of these ideas. Once again she continues to promote the idea of the Nationalist female and the steps necessary for the realization of that idea. She is clear however, that while Nationalists must elevate and admire the women in their natural role, they must not hinder girls and women who have some unique talent or intelligence, in their desire to add their unique female touch to society.
In these and the following articles there is one concept that is strongly expressed, that women should demand rights that are in accordance with their natural role in the family and society and that they should fulfil this duty with care and dedication.
Presented by Pelasgian
Pelasgian Narrations: The New Bulgarian Female I - PN 012618
Pelasgian Narrations will return soon with more from The New Bulgarian Female.
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