Spengler cannot be summarized in an hour. Therefore, we concentrate on one important element of his thought, that around which all other elements revolve: the distinction between culture and civilization.
Culture is the organic state; the natural life. Civilization is the decay of that state into formalism and quantity. Authority turns into power.
In thought, this is manifest in the over-formalization of the intellect and the rise of the mass-intellectual. This intellectual is not a scholar, he's an actor in a role. He's the pseudo-intellectual
This lecture will briefly discuss Spengler in relation to the mass-intellectual and the means to tell the phoney from the legitimate scholar.
It is an unpleasant excursion into the world of fakery and fraud.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Oswald Spengler and the Destruction of Intelligence - TON 011018
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Aryan next Wednesday at 3pm EST/8pm GMT
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