Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at early Greek Nationalism this week.
The Kollyvades Fathers were the early revolutionaries against Turkish control. This also meant the control of the Judeo-Greek Phanar banking culture. They were priests and lay monastics at war with formalism. They had as their main ideological pillars first, the resurgence of monastic Orthodoxy and second, Greek nationalism.
St. Cosmas the Anetolian began his work under the growing decay and disintegration of the Turkish empire and also, the rise of the Enlightenment among the elites in Western Europe. For a Greek intellectual, he looked at a radically ignorant population on the one hand and a tottering imperialist empire on the other. The Kollyvades were the result.
History texts will say these saints were concerned with "frequent communion" or "commemoration of the dead on Sundays." These were merely the results of their thought. These were not the root of their activity: the resurrection of the Greek nation was identical with the throwing off of the Turkish empire. Under Turkish rule, the Greek population had sunk into demographic crisis and almost total ignorance. As they taught the Greek nation, the Phanar hierarchs threatened them at every turn.
Their name comes from the Kollyva (boiled wheat) which is used during memorial services.
The Fathers are:
St. Kosmas Aitolos († 1779)
St. Paisios Velitchovsky († 1794, the only Slav)
St. Makarios of Corinth († 1805)
St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain († 1809)
St. Athanasios Parios († 1813),
St. Nicephorus of Chios († 1821)St. Arsenios of Paros († 1877)
St. Neophytos Kavsokalyvites (1784)
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Vision of the Kollyvades Fathers – TON 022818
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