Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson presents an apocalyptic episode this week, looking specifically at Sts Arseny Boca (1989) and Gabriel Urgebadze of Georgia (1995).
As society continues to decay, the end of all things is not a theoretical possibility anymore. The west has nothing left. These two men laid out the ethical theory of our life in these miserable times.
The rule of the Jews, the prevalence of rape, the dominance of mental illness and delusion, the eclipse of reason and the ascendancy of fraud are the true marks of a global order ruled by our enemies.
St. Gabriel, on May Day of 1965, burned a picture of Lenin on Red Square. When it was all over, he found himself in a mental asylum with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and psychosis. As psychiatry and politics come together in the west as they did in the USSR, mental diagnoses are a political weapon.
Calling a dissident a "terrorist" is a means of labelling him as "anti-social" and justifies forcible commitment. As most of the Soviet dissidents stated, "today in the USSR, tomorrow in the USA."
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Last Days – TON 032818
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Aryan next Wednesday at 3pm EST/8pm BST
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