Dennis Wise joins Sven Longshanks to discuss Part 12 of The Freemasonic Victors of WW2, which looks at Dr John Dee and the Spanish Armada.
There were three armadas sent to Britain, but each one was destroyed by a storm. Was this just a coincidence, or was it down to weather magic employed by Elizabeth I’s astrologer and chief occultist John Dee?
Dee believed he had made contact with Angels/Devils and they gave him inside information about what was happening on the continent. This was the start of the British intelligence agencies and there was also a link with organised crime at that time through the Pirates, who were intercepting ships laden with gold coming back from South America for Spain. This is what the Spanish were hoping to stop by making war against Britain.
Dee called these demons ‘macrobes’ which as their name suggests, are too large a size for us to see with the naked eye. They demanded blood from him in exchange for their information and shortly after this we start seeing massive increases in the amount of people killed during the wars. The British sailors who went to fight the Spanish were left to rot to death on their boats as well, after the storm had destroyed their enemies.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: The Spanish Armada – TWOR 040618
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