Petro (Peter) Grigorenko (1907-1987) was a Soviet four-star general and the USSR's highest ranking dissident. Initially claiming that the USSR was far from the Leninist ideals it claimed, he soon argued that these "ideals" were false in themselves.
Such a high ranking dissident was a huge embarrassment to the Khrushchev regime, and he was quietly sent to a mental institution. Tiring of his relentless criticism and frustrated at the problems inherent in just shooting him, they exiled him in 1977.
The Soviet regime experimented on him, destroying his health and torturing him with all manner of psychotropics. He became a critic of the politicization of psychiatry and psychology.
As American activists are being sentenced to prison, we should keep in mine the sacrifices of men like him, a man who went from the pinnacle of power and privilege to selling vegetables on the side of the road in Ukraine. His sacrifice seemed "insane" at the time, yet, it slowly began the disintegration of the entire rotten Soviet state.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Triumph of Major-General Peter Grigorenko – TON 050218
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