Dennis Wise joins Sven Longshanks to answer questions from viewers about the last episode of ‘How the World Was Fooled,’ but first some attempts at debunking Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story NEVER Told are looked at. One of the debunkers did not even view the film, another tried to argue that the Versailles treaty did not impose unreasonable restrictions on Germany and another argued for the existence of Jewish soap and lampshades! This is the quality standard at RationalWiki.
Putin is the first subject commenters wanted to hear about and Dennis explains his support for him is simply because he has been instrumental in preventing Syria from falling. If you compare Putin to other world leaders like Theresa May or Emanuelle Macron, he is an absolute hero of the White race, but if you are a Nationalist in Russia then he is the devil himself. Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson is the best source to investigate if you want to learn about Putin.
Dennis then gives us his views on Assad and conservatives who support Israel, before we learn that even the acronym TGSNT has been banned from URLs in Germany. Nikola reminds us of another instance in history where Jews opened the gates of a city to Moslems to invade and then we move back into National Socialist history, to learn about the Roman or European salute and why the British and Americans did not play much of a role in the volunteer Waffen SS units.
Dennis also tells us what he thinks of UKIP and whether there will be a political solution to White genocide in response to former Radio Aryan host Brutus of Troy.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: Right Hand Up –TWOR 050418
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