This podcast is based upon Dr Johnson’s paper ‘Reason as the Male Burden: The Orthodox Church, the Female Nature and the Priesthood’
Orthodox priests must be males. This is primarily because women are less rational and far more changeable than men. Women can certainly use logic as well as anyone else, but reason is not identical to logic. This has nothing to do with intelligence, but rather with emotional regulation.
One of the most pitiable sights is to read Orthodox prelates justifying a male priesthood trying with all their might to avoid offending women. It seems that the “patristic consensus” goes out the window when this issue arises. Without exception, the patristic consensus agrees with the argument presented here. Issues such as economics, usury and women show that the “traditionalists” are mostly for show, and usually aim their patristic rhetoric at basically harmless issues.
In 1981, Archbishop Chrysostom wrote "Women in the Orthodox Church: Brief Comments from a Spiritual Perspective.” The article is an intellectual disaster, a form of toadying that seeks female approval at the expense of church doctrine.
This lecture and its corresponding paper is a patristic and scientific refutation of the equalitarian arguments of the ruling class in general, and Metropolitan Chrysostom in particular.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Orthodox Church, Female Nature and Reason as the Male Burden – TON 061318
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