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Truth Will Out Radio: Traitors Then and Traitors Now – TWOR 072718

twor 072718

Dennis Wise joins Sven Longshanks to look back over ‘The Freemasonic Victors of WW2’ and discuss what Dennis has discovered so far.

The first few episodes concerned the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and how Stalin and Lenin were merely puppets, with all the legwork being carried out by Freemasons and Jews before they got there. When Trotsky arrived he brought millions of dollars with him from the American banks and orders that they were to kill the Tsar. Killing the king always plays a part in these revolutions and the only reason Britain still has a monarchy is because it is a constitutional one.

Famine played a large role in the spread of Communism, but it was not the first time it had been used by the cryptocracy to bring the people to heel. The Irish potato famine was engineered, just as the famines in India were. Along with starving the masses, the intelligentsia were all wiped out along with all the small land owners. This was not about making money from taking over a country, this was about getting revenge on Christendom. Priests were slaughtered wholescale, just as they had been during the French revolution and as the series progresses, we see that this has happened wherever a Masonic revolution takes place.

All Dennis’ documentaries have had a Christian element to them, but this series really singles out Catholicism as being the main enemy of Freemasonry. Hitler has been shown to be a champion of the Catholic church with eulogies from the Pope, Franco and Ireland when he died. The mainstream media have done their best to hide the spiritual aspects of the war, nobody knows how many priests and nuns were slaughtered in the various revolutions but everybody knows the six million figure for the Jews.

Dennis has also produced a new video featuring John Amery talking about the traitors that were leading Britain and American during the war, which is discussed at the beginning.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Matt Johnson

Truth Will Out Radio: Traitors Then and Traitors Now – TWOR 072718


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