Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson talks about Archbishop Makarios III, the Greek National Movement and the Cyprus Crisis of 1955-1974 for this week’s episode of The Orthodox Nationalist.
The military took over the country of Greece in 1967. They wanted Marxism destroyed, agriculture revivified, liberalism gone and the bankers decimated. The economy, like today, was in an advanced state of collapse.
The Junta succeeded, maintaining a strong and prosperous Greece while they were in power. Greece's modern failures are a direct result of the re-imposition of Liberalism in the mid 1970s.
At the same time, Cyprus was ruled by Archbishop Makarios III until 1977. A former colony of England, Makarios was seen as the "father of the nation." In response to his overthrow in 1974, Turkey invaded the island and engaged in cultural genocide in its occupied, faux-state "The Republic of Northern Cyprus," which is nothing more than an Israeli-funded brothel staffed by kidnapped women from Moldova. This invasion was the Junta's undoing.
Cyprus was the battleground where NATO and Britain could destroy Orthodox nationalism in favor of Turkish and Jewish investment. The result is the genocide of Greeks there and the stripping of the country of her most sacred treasures.
In southeastern Europe, Britain always backed Jewish and Turkish interests – always one in the same. The “Northern Cyprus” debacle is proof of the evil of the anti-Greek forces, creating a disgusting cesspool on one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Archbishop Makarios and the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus – TON 082218
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