Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson explains why free trade is not really free and how the constitution only serves to protect the State and not the people it is supposed to represent.
Capitalism and free trade were creations of the state. In the 19th century it was the state that paid for the building of canals, the establishment of a merchant fleet and the erection of the first centralized rail system. Acres of land, once belonging to the peasants, were given to the oligarchs for free. Markets had nothing to do with it. Empires created industry, not the other way around.
Free trade is the foundational ideology of modernity. It is a mindset, a cosmopolitan, faux-intellectual understanding of the world that reduces everything to money and plastic prestige. It’s laws and institutions are as fluid as its currency values. They are illusions. This is based not on production, not on gold, but on the creation of images and fantasies that are then taken by the public as real. Thus, modernism is the result of the hypnotic trance.
When the power in a society is private, the “Constitution” is irrelevant, since it only governs state actions. Yet, the state is now merely a tool of capital. Having secured fictitious personhood, capital's totalitarian control over the western world is protected by the state and globalist entities created by these same elites. The fraud of free trade then, comes down to the fact that governments and international bodies are privatized entities and corporations, protected by the Constitution, and rule without limit. It is all based upon illusion.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Free Trade as the Foundation for Liberalism and Globalization – TON 080818
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