Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson uses Iran as an example of nationalist and socialist success, when compared to the globalist capitalist system of America.
Iran is a multi-party democracy with a vibrant economy. She is 14th in the world in the number of daily newspapers per capita and 8th for non-daily periodicals. She is the 18th largest economy in the world and is also the 18th most rapidly growing economy. Her life expectancy is 74, making her one of the highest in the world. She has the world's 4th highest government budget surplus and the 4th highest in her current account balance. She's the 8th least indebted country on the planet. Her gold reserves are the 8th largest in the world.
One of the most interesting victories for the Iranian economy is that she's 14th in the world in terms of wages relative to business expenses. This makes her workers some of the best paid in the world, relative to overall business expenses. Part of this is because Iran has the 6th cheapest energy prices on the planet. Tehran is also the capital city in which it is cheapest to live. She is the #1 in the world in terms of industrial and scientific growth and innovation according to the Annual Science-Metrix Report of the UK.
Almost half of all business outlays are in wages. They are 24th in the world in the number of small and medium sized businesses with almost 1.3 million. She has the 9th highest number of book titles published each year and she's 7th in scientific texts. She is 3rd in university enrolments. And this, with a “globalization index” of 162 out of 181, making her one of the least globalized countries on the planet.
She also has one of the lowest suicide rates on the planet. To be fair, she also has the highest rates of opiate addiction on earth, though this might have something to do with sharing a border with US-controlled Afghanistan. There is little doubt that the US makes sure that border is wide open. Her cancer rates are some of the lowest in the world (148 out of 194, with 1 being the highest). Iran is one of the most healthy countries on earth.
These are the results of the Iranian model: nationalist, religious and statist.
Capitalism, especially in its American-Liberal-Republican guise, is neither efficient nor rational. The specific definition of these terms don't matter – they fail on all counts. The gains of capitalism go to the unproductive – bankers and middlemen, not producers, inventors or entrepreneurs. Capital mobility means that a firm can hold an entire community hostage. It can demand low wages and regulations or they'll walk – destroying an entire area and showing the moral compass of its managers. They demand tax breaks and subsidies in this “market” system or they will relocate somewhere else that will indulge them. They invest in slave labor regions, then sell the product back to the “home” country at prices just below that of domestic producers, thus pocketing an immense, wasteful and irrational profit.
The US system has failed. National Socialism in its various guises from Russia to Belarus to China to South Korea to Iran has outperformed the US on all counts. It’s time for the "American century" to go into the dustbin of history where it belongs.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Iran and the Failure of the American Republican-Capitalist Model – TON 081518
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