This broadcast centers around the lies, foibles and heresy of Patriarch Bartholomew of New Rome (Constantinople). He is in no matter the "pope" of Orthodoxy, but he believes himself to be. He is consolidating the rule of Masonry at the Phanar, or the district where the Patriarch resides. The "Phanar" for many centuries has been synonymous with the banking oligarchy in the area.
The condition of the “New Orthodox Church,” or “World Orthodoxy” is in such a theological state that we are talking about two religions.
The Dionysian is irrational, feminine and sexual. It simply imposes rule from an invented foundation organized and enforced by violence and threats only. The result is aboulia, or a pathological lethargy by the victims that derives from the belief that there's nothing worth fighting for. It is a depressive resignation. This is what both Rome and Constantinople stand for today.
Bartholomew has officially rejected his own church, it’s ruling synods and canons in generally clear terms. To desire full communion with Old Rome is absurd largely because Old Rome itself has ceased to be Catholic!
No, the pope is not Catholic. Both men deny their own churches and the intellectual foundation on which it rests. Rather, the institution is all that exists. For Rome especially, the "Chosen People" are the only "people of God." One cannot read Bartholomew for a few minutes without realizing that you are reading the satanic inversion of the Orthodox church.
It should be made clear that the "synod" to which one belongs is not an essential element. Within the Orthodox church, grace does not flow from the bishop -- this is the Catholic position. All True Orthodox are brothers regardless of the poor behavior of bishops.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Patriarch Bartholomew and the Dionysian Consolidation of Liberalism – TON 082918
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