Sven Longshanks presents a 6-part series looking at the evidence for Brutus, the patriarch of Britain and starting with the history of Brutus the Trojan Prince as recorded in the Chronicles of England.
The Chronicles have been shown to be mostly accurate, with a large number of the kings listed within them being found on pre-Roman coinage.
There is more detail about Brutus in there than any other monarch and the chronicles themselves were named after him, becoming later known as ‘The Brut.’
All the kings of the island from the time he settled it were descended from him and the settlers that he brought with him were his countrymen from Troy.
The Chronicles themselves were originally written in proto-Greek, then Latin and finally translated into olde English which is the form they can be found in now.
This version has had the English updated to modern language by LA Waddell.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Brutus the Trojan Prince Part 1 – Brutus in the Chronicles of England
Homer wrote about a hero named Perithoos and his companion Coronus, in both the Iliad and the Odyssey and besides having similar names to Brutus and Corineus, they both had similar events happen to them.
Both defeated aboriginal tribes, both went wife hunting in the same area, both became great warrior-heroes in Greece, both conquered the king of Greece, both had a son who co-ruled with the son of Coronus/Corineus and there are other similarities as well, that LA Waddell has noted here.
In the second part of the narration, Waddell looks at the way the the Trojan colonists would name their new colonies after their old homeland. Besides the New Troy that became London, there were also New Troys in the Tiber valley and in Egypt. We see the same thing still happening today with New York.
The Troy Niendi of Brutus, became the Tri-Noantes of Ptolemy and Tacitus and finally became the Tri-Novantes of Caesar, the name of the tribe that lived in the London area. Troe-Noey is even mentioned in the Gothic Eddas, along with Hedins-Eyio, or Edinburgh.
King Lud was a later king descended from Brutus, whose name became attached to the city and is why it later changed to Lud-Dun and London.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Brutus the Trojan Prince Part 2 – The Homeric Brutus and Trinovantium
Looking at similarities found between the relics of old Troy and the bronze age people of Britain, EO Gordon pieces together the evidence for the Trojan kinship of the British people in his book ‘Prehistoric London’ which is quoted in this narration.
The most ancient writers of Greece and Rome all concurred that the Kymry were the oldest family in the world and the proof of their early colonisation attempts can be found in places as diverse as Armenia and the Crimea.
The only two national names that this adventurous race were ever known by, were the Kymry and Y Lin Troia, the race of Troy.
As well as this being documented in the chronicles, the early history of Britain was also recorded by the Druids and can be found in the Triads and in the Welsh Bardic literature.
When Brutus arrived, Britain was already sparsely populated with his kinsmen from previous migrations and some of their story is told here, as related by the Triads.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Brutus the Trojan Prince Part 3 – The Arrival of Brutus in Britain
Edmund Spenser wrote about Brutus founding the city that became London in The Faerie Queen, which was based upon earlier legends.
We also have the records of Nennius, Gildas and even Edward the Confessor, who wrote of London being built after the likeness of Troy.
Tours is linked to the Brutus story too, supposedly being named after the death of his son Tyrrhi there and the city being built around his tumuli.
Other links with Troy are the troytown mazes, labyrinths cut into the turf all over the country and similar in shape to those found at Crete.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Brutus the Trojan Prince Part 4 – Brutus The Founder Of London
Brutus sons were named Cambria, Loegria and Alban, who were either named after or gave their names to, Cambria (Wales) Lloegria (England) and Albion (Scotland) and their tribes in those lands.
Cornwall was named after the Duke Corineus, who wrestled with the giant Gogmagog and won. There are statues of these two heroes in London, although sometimes one is called Gog and the other Magog and Corineus name is absent.
Dunwal Molmutius was the first to introduce municipal government and take the title of king, the rulers before him being named as chiefs or rulers. His laws became the bedrock of English common law and were codified by Alfred the Great well over a thousand years later, when he incorporated them into his own Anglo-Saxon law book.
He was also responsible for the seven main roads that spanned the country from coast to coast, three of them being centered in London and was the first British sovereign to wear a crown upon his head.
Some of the laws he created are included here and are taken from the Triads.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Brutus the Trojan Prince Part 5 – The Sons Of Brutus I
Belinus succeeded Molmutius and gave royal protection to all who travelled along his roads, both native and stranger alike. This was the origin of the phrase ‘the king’s highway’ and anyone who drew weapons on them was made a criminal.
He caused the walls to be built around London and gave his name to the famous fish market that still survives today, Billingsgate. It was his head that was buried in the White Mount facing France and for as long as it stayed there, there was no invasion from the continent.
His grandson was Lud, who would give his name to Lud-dun, which became London. He built the west gate of the city in 66BC which is also named after him and his attempts to beautify the city are recorded in the Welsh Mabinogion, as well as his measurement of the island, which identified Oxford as the central point.
One of his sons went on to become the first traitor to the nation, making secret treaties with Caesar and going down in infamy as ‘the black traitor’ of the Triads.
All three narrations are taken from EO Gordon’s Prehistoric London – Its Mounds and Circles.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Brutus the Trojan Prince Part 6 – The Sons Of Brutus II
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