Corneliu Codreanu’s book ‘For My Legionaries’ tells the story of the rise to power of the Legion of St Michael the Arch-Angel, it details the usual problems happening in Romania and how nationalist hero Codreanu inspired and led the resistance to them.
With a fanatical faith in Christ, the Legionaries lived as brothers and renounced the world, still inspiring nationalists around the world to this day.
Many in the Orthodox church see him as a saint and martyr, for his selfless defence of the Romanian people in the face of the usual peril.
In this narration, the techniques used by Codreanu's competitors are outlined and a critique of the previous Romanian nationalist leader is given, identifying similar problems to the ones we still have today.
Our leaders are either too intellectual and incapable of inspiring the troops, or they are well liked by the masses but unable to hold their own against their political opponents.
Both Hitler and Codreanu were of that rarest type of man that excelled at both.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: Corneliu Codreanu Part 1
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