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Albion Narrations 2015: Corneliu Codreanu Part 3

Observations on democracy, human rights and the final aim of the nation from Corneliu Codreanu.
Codreanu’s worldview was very similar to Hitler’s, as both were based on the same natural laws that all life has to adhere to.
How can the majority, who do not understand those simplest of natural laws, then be trusted to make the most important decisions of all?
How can a people that do not even understand that you should leave the window open to air the house when you are ill, be trusted to appoint who is to rule and govern?
These and other insights are taken from ‘For My Legionaries’ by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: Corneliu Codreanu Part 3


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