The Red Army soldier on the bottom right in the original image, which was recently exhibited in Berlin, is wearing two looted German watches.
Sven Longshanks presents a series of narrations taken from about the plundering of Germany that took place after the war.
Throughout Germany, priceless art, religious and secular treasures, were violently torn from church-altars, wretched from museum walls or even stolen from private collections and homes by Allied soldiers.
The coffins of Schiller and Goethe were looted by US soldiers who took six of Goethe’s medals.
While officially America and Britain were not “seizing” any artwork as war booty, whole squads of Allied thieves were busy personally “liberating” rare books, illuminated manuscripts, gold and silver religious objects, sculpture and paintings as well as bullying German civilians into forking over their few valuables.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: Loot and Plunder After the War - The Ignored Cultural Rape of Germany Part 2
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