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Albion Narrations 2015: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict

Bringing history, morality, race and medical insights together, Walter Hunt gives his verdict on what has caused our race’s decline.
Writing in 1904 Walter was already well aware that our race was declining in vigour, but unlike those around him he did not blame civilisation itself.
Chapter One is entitled ‘These Degenerate Days’ and includes physical comparisons between different generations of men, noting a decline in the fitness of men from his current generation.
He then gives some examples of the ancients and looks at the differences between their lifestyles and ours.
Chapter Two is called ‘Insanity and Alcoholism’ where he looks at the evidence of a decline in civil life and an increase in the unemployable.
Unlike his contemporaries, he sees alcoholism as a reaction to a problem, rather than being the source of the problem.
The longevity of some of our ancestors is also looked at along with the importance of heredity.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Radio Stormer Narrations: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict I

Comparing the life of civilised man and the savage, with some surprising insights.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict II

Using a tribe of cannibals for a case study.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict III

The cause of the fall of nations is finally disclosed and it is probably not what you were thinking.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict IV

How to conserve and improve our race.
Radio Stormer Narrations: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict V


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