Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise take a look at a speech that Adolf Hitler gave, where he outlined the National Socialist support for the church and compared it to elsewhere.
The speech was given on January 30th 1939 in response to accusations from other countries that the National Socialists were ‘anti-Christian’.
Hitler outlined 5 points:
1. Nobody has been persecuted in Germany for their religious beliefs and they never will be.
2. Hundreds of millions of Reich’s marks in tax revenue were given to the churches by the state, something France, England and America did not do.
3. No churches or services have been obstructed.
4. The abuse of children will be dealt with severely, members of the NSDAP were executed for this crime due to their position of authority, but members of the clergy will only face jail terms.
5. None of the allies came to the defence of thousands of priests and millions of Christians that were being slaughtered by Bolsheviks, so this criticism of Germany can only be politically inspired.
Hitler also pointed out that the role of the church is to teach morality, undermining the National Socialist state will not be tolerated and clergy will not be treated any differently to anyone else should they be found doing that.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: Hitler’s Proclamation on the Church – TWOR 112318
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