Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise discuss ‘The White Book’ a collection of documents that show who was responsible for starting the second world war, which were suppressed and hidden by the British state.
It was a tradition that if Europeans went to war, they would collect all the documentary proof of why they went to war and then put it together as a coloured book. The British book would be ‘The Blue Book, the Germans ‘The White Book’ and so on.
After the first war, the British blue book was discredited, as instead of using direct quotes they had summarised what was said, changed the nuance and the book was eventually rejected by historians for it’s inaccuracies.
The Germans produced a White book for both the first war and the second, but you will not find any references to the second one online, as it was not allowed to be used as evidence after the war because the government that released it had been declared illegitimate when hostilities ceased. However that does not mean the documents it contained were false in any way. Instead of summarising exchanges, they include the whole exchange and the events at the time to put them in context.
The German White Book proves beyond all doubt who was responsible for the war, it goes into great detail on the diplomatic conversation that led up to the invasion of Poland and includes three times as many pages as the British blue book.
One important thing to note is what the Germans were most concerned about and what they thought they would be accused of after the war, because it wasn’t gas chambers.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: The White Book – TWOR 110918
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