The southern European nations are far from being a homogenous lot, despite all being originally of Mediterranean stock.
Each people is separate and distinct and their national characters and history have been defined by the racial types making up those countries.
Portugal once had a huge empire, but by stretching itself too far, the original stock became impoverished, as the best of it left for foreign lands.
Italy once contained Rome, but Rome lost its racial purity when it made citizens of all races, only later to be rescued by the invasion of new and vigorous barbarian stocks.
Spain lost many of her best stocks through the celibate monastic system, on top of being under Moslem occupation for centuries.
T Lothrop Stoddard shows how we can see the racial traits of these three nations by looking back at their history.
He also points out the evidence for it in the rise of fascism in Italy and in Spain, at the time of his writing.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks and taken from Racial Realities in Europe, by T Lothrop Stoddard.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: Racial Realities in Europe – Italy
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: Racial Realities in Europe – Spain and Portugal
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