Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at Chavez and Maduro’s brand of Social Nationalism and why the US is intent on stamping it out for this week’s episode.
Today in Venezuela, the successor of Hugo Chavez's social revolution, Nicholas Maduro, is being challenged by a self proclaimed “president” Juan Guaido. The recent presidential elections were challenged by the losers and the US almost immediately demanded a pro-US president be installed.
Election rigging is universally blamed when an anti-American and anti-liberal president is elected. Corporate NGOs worth billions of dollars, a strong CIA presence, threats to the ruling party from Washington and massive anti-Maduro corporate financing is stated dogmatically to have had no effect on the outcome. Only the government can alter results.
The press says without deviation, “the opposition” controls the Assembly, but the United Socialist Party has 55 out of 167 seats. This is Maduro's party and its the largest and by far the most popular in the country.
To deal with this, the CIA created the “Democratic Roundtable” to bring everyone from the communist party to neoliberals into one huge coalition. Most of the parties have been founded just over the last few years, have few members and in one instance, refuse to publish a platform. This broadcast will take time out to explain the comically fake "Come, Venezuela" party that has all of one member in the Assembly. Its run entirely by Americans. The US has spent about $20 million since the death of Chavez to overthrow his government and social revolution.
Thanks to harsh sanctions, the Venezuelan economy is in a free fall. The US will starve the population to bring down the man who defends the nationalization of American capital in that country.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Social Nationalism in Venezuela – TON 013019
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