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Albion Narrations 2019: Sexual Utopia in Power I - DN 030119

Sven Longshanks takes a break from covering the news stories to narrate from F Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power.

In the first episode it is demonstrated that the female sexual utopIa is different to the man’s. Most people assume that men want lots of women and women just want one man, but it is more complicated than that. Women want only the best man, but he could be surpassed and then they would want that man instead.

An analogy is drawn to show why in the absence of evidence to say otherwise, date rape should not be prosecuted just on a witness account and why that witness account will naturally be unfair.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: Sexual Utopia in Power I - DN 030119


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