Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson hosts a podcast talking about recent history in Russia, beginning in the nineties and concentrating on General Alexander Lebed (1950-2002).
Like everything else about Russia, the American press and historical establishment have never told the truth about Lebed and his career. A firm nationalist and Orthodox patriot, Lebed frightened the oligarchs who controlled Russia in the 1990s.
He became famous for making peace in Moldova and winning over the formerly hostile president Mircea Snegur. He was attacked by the corrupt army chief General Pavel Grachev and eventually thrown out of Yeltsin's Kremlin. He then was elected governor of the highly strategic Siberian region of Krasnoyarsk.
There, he was at war with the oligarchical clan led by Anatoly Bykov, a well known thug and murderer who controlled the aluminium industry in the country at the time. He was forced to flee in 1997. Lebed was voted the "most trusted man" in Russian politics in 1996, with Boris Yeltsin earning about 5 percent of that vote. By some "democratic miracle," this same man was able to win the presidency in 1996, taking 56 percent of the vote! This transformation can only be explained through corruption and lots of American cash.
Lebed was murdered by the Bykov and Deripraska clans in April of 2002 by either a missile or the planting of explosives on his helicopter. As they controlled the region and these industries at the time, they had an interest in seeing Lebed wiped out. This was also meant to send a message to Putin.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: General Alexander Lebed – TON 032019
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