Dr Johnson shows the Rohingya Moslems are just another western intelligence sponsored group serving the oligarch's interests in this week's podcast.
This broadcast is a much needed corrective to the Washington Post's assertion of "another Holocaust" in western China or Burma. Conveniently obscure, few talking heads will ask questions and will parrot the line without understanding. Its the dying empire lashing out at its rivals.
In the western Chinese province of Xinjiang and the southwestern Burmese province of Rakhine (Arkan), the CIA has financed Islamic insurgencies connected with their proxy armies in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and Syria. Both areas are of immense strategic value, both are strong hubs for oil and natural gas and, as the economy in these areas grows, Islamic militancy, strangely enough, increases.
There is no such ethnic group as "Rohingya." While rare until very recently, the term “Rohingya” is no older than the 1960s. It is a reference to illegals and was seen as a pejorative. Calling these people an “ethnic group” would be similar to a Hispanic gang taking power in New Mexico and calling themselves “The Nation of Wetbacks” and the “Wetbaki people.”
The "human rights violation" narrative has identical tropes and themes wherever it goes. Journalism disappears. Only one side is consulted. No one asks why these groups are under attack. All claim "mass rapes" and "reeducation camps." The basic questions are never asked because its a script given in advance. No economic context is given. All that's created is a fictional morality play between the virtuous Muslims and the nationalists that seeks their destruction for no reason.
In Burma, the Arakan state now has a functional deep-water port and has become a major energy hub. Burma is predicted to grow by as much as 10 to 15 percent over the next year or so. In Xinjiang, Chinese investment has transformed the region. It's also an important testing ground for the Chinese military's advanced weapons. To stop the development from third to first world, the CIA, in the words of former agent Graham Fuller, Islamic militancy is created to blow up the pipelines. Ultimately, it's because the US was kept out of the negotiations and Russian or Korean firms are being used rather than western. The US is playing with fire.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Myth About Islam in China & Burma – TON 031319
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