Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson takes a look at Mussolini through the eyes of a revisionist historian and finds him to be more of a hindrance than a help to the Axis powers.
Benito Mussolini was the buffoon-in-chief of the Axis powers. He was ignorant and incompetent, especially in foreign and military affairs. He sought to build himself up as a powerful and feared leader through his use of the Italian military to impress those around him, Hitler being the first. His ignorance would be comical, if it hadn't led to the slaughter of thousands of Italian soldiers and the destruction of many of the Axis' plans in Europe.
Italy mounted two mass invasions of Greece, the first in late October 1940 and the second, in March of 1941. Both were defeated in the most humiliating way possible. Hitler was forced to reluctantly invade Greece with the Bulgarians and after losing many good men, finally took Crete after letting the Greeks negotiate an honorable surrender. Hitler showed Greece the greatest respect. He called Mussolini a "Mad little clown."
The worse part of it all is that as Mussolini attacked Greece for no good military reason, it forced the pro-German government of Gen. Ioannis Metaxas into the Allied camp. This is what enraged Hitler against il Duce. The Greeks destroyed not only the Italian army, but dismantled the Italian economy as well. All of this was carried out because Mussolini was insecure and seeking the approval of the military men running Europe at the time. Il Duce was a military deserter with almost zero army experience.
It was so bad that the French border police put up a sign saying "This is the French border. Greeks: No pursuing Italians past this point." When Mussolini was overthrown in 1943, it was a victory for the Axis, not the Allies.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Mussolini's Humiliation in the Greco-Italian War – TON 072419
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