Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at an attempt to westernise Old Russia that led to the rule of usurers in the following century.
This lecture series has always rested on the idea that the Petrine reforms in Russia, ending in 1725, were a disaster for the Orthodox church. They were based on occult ideologies from the west and the imposition of Hobbes' "Leviathan" on the Third Rome. How was Peter successful?
The reason lies in the errors of the previous reign, that of Tsar Alexis and Patriarch Nikon. Alexis was a holy man with the best of intentions, but his westernization policies caused revolts to break out throughout his reign. These policies included political centralization, the "papalization" of the church and the introduction of western-style serfdom to Russia.
Another was the adoption of the "New Rite" of the church, which was a revolution in theology that divided Russia deeply to the present day. Trying to synchronize the Russian and Greek rites in anticipation of a future empire that would stretch to the Balkans and Greece, Patriarch Nikon would anathematize Russia as the Third Rome and mangle the old Russian religious ideology. It created confusion, destruction and division that made it possible for usurers and parasites to rule Russia in the following century. Lenin wasn't the first Russian revolutionary.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Old Believers, Peter the Great and Usury – TON 082819
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