Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise talk about the subjects covered in Part 20 of ‘The Secret Masonic Victors of World War Two’.
The fall of Christianity coincided with the fall of Germany in the second world war. Hitler had liberated Europe from the clutches of the bankers and installed genuine Christian leaders for every nation, but once the war was lost they were all replaced except for Franco, who reminded the world that Hitler died while defending Christianity.
The bankers had been intent on bankrupting Germany through odious debt and then selling off parts of the country, but Hitler turned the tables on them by taking their money and then setting up his own national bank.
Gaddafi would try to do the same for Africa with a Libyan bank, but he met with the same fate and his country was flattened by more bombs than were dropped in the whole of world war two.
These were the real reasons for the war, to eliminate Christian resistance to Masonic humanism and to prevent any alternative to the international banking system.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: The Fall of the Christian Resistance – TWOR 080919
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