Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise look at attempts to draw comparisons between the treatment of Germany after the war and Germany’s plans for if she had won, before debunking claims about Hitler’s Christianity being false.
A Catholic website has made a video based on the 1941 book ‘The Persecution of the Catholic Church Under the Third Reich’ that mainly uses quotes from Alfred Rosenberg and anonymous sources.
These quotes have been wilfully taken out of context, along with quotes from Hitler about ‘political faith’ which means belief in a political system, not a new religion.
Rosenberg’s ‘Myth of the 20th Century’ did not outline National Socialist ideology as alleged, it was his own ideas and not official doctrine.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: The Misuse of Rosenberg – TWOR 081619
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