Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson argues that the West were responsible for allowing Pol Pot to succeed, because they failed to assist the one man who could have stopped him.
Last month, Nuon Chea (Lao Kim Lorn), second in command of the Khmer Rouge Marxist government in Cambodia, finally died in prison. He looked like he was 300 years old. Marxism and its children, Leninism and Maoism, were very clear that a society needs to be cleansed of the old before the new can thrive. This is the foundation for all mass killings.
Mao Zedong, the bloodiest dictator in world history and the darling of the academic Left, stated emphatically that "cleansing" was necessary, violence was a foundation of the state.
The Khmer Rouge lied about it’s agenda, keeping it’s final goals a secret only for the smallest circle of elites. Posing as "agrarian reformers," the American press reported back to the west of the virtues of Pol Pot and his "populist" regime.
The reigning Prince Norodom Sihanouk (1922-2012) began to believe their propaganda and opened ties with Mao's China and helped the Vietnamese build the Ho Chi Minh trail. The resultant American attack on this part of Cambodia was then used as a recruiting tool for the Angkar (or "the organization").
There was one chance for a traditionalist royalism to take over in Cambodia, and that was in the "Khmer republic" from 1970-1975. But under Gen. Lon Nol’s traditionalist party who won the elections of 1966 by showing support for royalism in the country, incursions of both American and Vietnamese militaries destroyed his economy and reduced his army to nothing once the US pulled out of the area. The nightmare could have been stopped by this one man, but the lack of supplies destroyed his forces. The nightmare of the Khmer Rouge exists because of the inability or unwillingness of the west to assist him.
Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Khmer Rouge Revisited – TON 091119
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