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Aryan Insights: Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson – AI 102119

In this instalment of Aryan Insights, Grandpa Lampshade sits down with Dr Mathew Raphael Johnson to discuss the false perception of U.S. military superiority in general and specifically in the context of a direct confrontation with Russia and/or China.

All aspects of this will be covered. You will learn about how you have been lied to regarding U.S. casualties in prior conflicts in which the public were told that almost no soldiers were lost. You will learn about the current sad state of disarray that the U.S. military is in, this in spite of the fact that trillions of dollars are spent every year on the military budget. Yet on the rare occasion that this is pointed out the only excuse given is that they need even more money.

GPL and Dr. Johnson delve into specifics regarding all the different branches of the military: naval, air and land forces and invite you to take a realistic look at how things would really stack up in such a conflict. This is important because without the information, the people are more likely to be led into an unimaginable disaster. The show then wraps up with a discussion as to the likely hood of such a conflict actually taking place.

You will not hear information such as presented today on Fox News or any of the other so called “major networks”. You will know the reason why after listening to this show. The information presented today will give you a much clearer picture of the world around you which in and of itself points to the fact that if these “major networks” aren’t giving you this information, there must be a reason why they are hiding it from you. However the information is hidden no longer. You can find it right here: on Aryan Insights.

Presented by Grandpa Lampshade with Matt Johnson

Aryan Insights: Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson – AI 102119


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