Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson talks about the concept of corporatism and the different forms it took in Russia and elsewhere.
Corporatism is the economic theory of both nationalism and royalism. It isn't the rule of corporations in our modern sense, but a union of people that serve a specific social function. It Is the original conception of the word “class.”
The point is to bring the best of the medieval guilds into our Postmodern condition. It has been tried in many different ways from Taiwan to Germany to Argentina and has been an economic success.
It arose in western Europe as a defense against the omnipotence of the financial conspirators who emerged from the First World War. Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal and Germany developed their own Corporate structure.
Its manifestation has been different over the decades, but the essence is the same. “The state is not a mechanism of competing interests, but an organism of fraternal service, the unity of faith, honor and sacrifice” says Ivan Il'lyn, the great Russian nationalist.
Corporatism is the organization of society into syndicates, social bodies representing necessary functions in society. These are collective and public organizations composed of all persons who together fill the same function in the nation.
Its purpose is to assure the exercise of this function in the supreme interest of the nation, by means of rules and rights imposed on its members. This isn't a dry conception of public policy or “consensus politics,” but the very lifeblood of virtue.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Nationalist Corporatism and Syndicalism – TON 021220
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