Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at the real reasons for Hitler’s defeat by the Red Army and contrasts them with Stalin’s. In November of 1944, Stalin, then calling himself the Chairman of the State Defense Council, spoke at a meeting of the Moscow Council of Workers Representatives celebrating the 27th anniversary of the "Great October Revolution." There, he summarizes his victory against the Germans as being comprised of "Ten Strikes." This broadcast will try to make sense out of his views and deal with a number of myths the Soviets helped build around World War II, including the idea that the snow and ice are an important reason for Hitler's defeat. These "strikes" are significant only because Stalin saw “his” victory in these terms. It is exceptionally convenient. Those like Major General Peter Grigorenko, who Dr. Johnson has written about elsewhere, reject this, claiming that the war was won despite Stalin. He also notes that the only reason Hitler was able to capture so many Soviet soldiers so early on was that they were massed on the border of Europe. In other words, that the attack was preemptive. Grigorenko received harsh treatment at a mental hospital/prison as a punishment and was eventually sent into exile in America, making him the highest ranking dissident in Soviet history. We can expect to receive little better than this. Presented by Matt Johnson The Orthodox Nationalist: Stalin’s Infamous ‘Ten Strikes’ of 1944 – TON 022620
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