Sven Longshanks hosts a solo episode looking at the effects of coronavirus on heavily migrant populated areas and among the Moslem community. In Britain due to government incompetence all the FFP3 masks that were meant for sale to the public, have been taken for the NHS. In London the Pakistani heritage Mayor has put thousands at risk by reducing the tube trains so people are forced to break the 2 metre rule. In the heavily migrant populated areas of France the newcomers are ignoring the quarantine and fast becoming a hotbed for the disease. This will be the same throughout Europe and no doubt when they get ill they will ignore the advice not to go to the hospital too, causing more problems. The refugee holding centres are now catching the virus, but releasing them into the population is not going to stop them from spreading it. This crisis will massively amplify the problems associated with diversity and if it doesn’t cause people to change their minds about it then who knows what will. Presented by Sven Longshanks The Daily Nationalist: Corona in the Comoonities – DN 032520
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