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Patriotic Weekly Review: The Iconoclast – PWR 042920

Mark Collett and No White Guilt welcome The Iconoclast back for a second appearance on the show.

Mark first makes an announcement regarding Millennial Woes, explaining that he was a hired speaker at Patriotic Alternative events and not one of the organisers.

He will not be speaking at any more, after evidence has arisen of him mistreating one of the attendees some time after the conference.

The Iconoclast edits a magazine as well as producing live streams and videos.

He mentions how a Star of David badge once fell out of Anne Marie Waters’ pocket when he was interviewing her and since then she has been criticising him as well as Mark.

Tommy is seen making jokes about wiping out the White race and it is pointed out that he has no solution to what he sees as just being an Islamic problem.

Superchats are answered but much of the content is to do with the Millennial Woes issue.

Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt

Patriotic Weekly Review: The Iconoclast – PWR 042920


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