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Real Britannia: English Pride – RB 042720

Sven Longshanks and Max Musson look at the lack of English pride in the country with reference to news stories from the last week, before continuing the story of Edward I and his problems with the Scots.

Fifty bags of dog poop were thrown in a couple’s garden and ‘nazi’ painted on the drive, because they dared show their support for England’s patron Saint on St George’s Day.

No mention was made in Parliament of St George, or even just of anything the English people can be proud of.

Instead, the murder of a Black lad form 27 years ago was highlighted and his mother was promoted to leading the investigation into why Black people are more likely to catch the coronavirus.

The accuracy of this report is obviously not of any interest, or they would have a virologist or a biologist heading the team.

Instead, they seem to have searched for someone with no medical qualifications who is least likely to be objective and most likely to have a grudge against Whites.

The presentation on Edward I covers his reasons for getting involved in Scotland and the legend of the stone of destiny, which he removed from Scotland after the princes there broke their oaths to him.

The final straw for Edward came when Robert Bruce murdered an innocent man at the altar, for refusing to break his oath to the king.

Wikipedia  pretends the man was a rival for the crown, but the truth is he was a completely innocent man who was killed for keeping his word.

The Example Set by St George
England and St George

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson

Real Britannia: English Pride – RB 042720


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