Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at recent attempts to portray Stalin as a fascist and a nationalist, who rebuilt Russia and had no intention of invading Europe.
In July of 2016, Dr. Johnson spoke at length on Stalin's reputation as an “anti-Semitic nationalist.” A small but noisy faction of Russian nationalists continue to believe this. As the USSR began to fall apart in the post-Khrushchev era, and especially in the 1990's, this mythical reputation grew to new heights. The National Bolshevik (NazBol) movement stems from these myths.
This is Part II of this series, adding more information and detail on Stalin's writings and policies. Earlier analysis on this topic became a large part of the book, The Soviet Experiment (TBR Books, 2019). Issues explored are the myth that Stalin was a “nationalist,” the myth that he “revived the church,” the myth that Stalin was always seen as a Fascist-style warlord (rather than a communist), the myth that he industrialized the country and the myth that Stalin had no aggressive designs on Europe in 1940.
The truth is that he was a typical Leftist, identical to Trotsky both in terms of policy and ideology. Information on this topic comes entirely from Russian language sources that have never been seen in English before.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Myths About Joseph Stalin II – TON 041520
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/ 9pm BST
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