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Truth Will Out Radio: National Socialist Protestants III – TWOR 051520

Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise continue their look at Protestant Christianity during the Third Reich.

As soon as Bishop Moller had been made the head of the Reich Church, his problems began.

One faction wanted the Old Testament removed and another faction wanted to nullify the Aryan paragraph for the clergy.

The Bishop was caught in the middle and Hitler even withdrew his support for him, so the church could not accuse the fuhrer of interference.

It is a shame the rest of the world didn’t do the same, as foreign support for the ‘paragraph’ faction ended up paralysing the Church  with internal problems and causing friction among the people.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

Truth Will Out Radio: National Socialist Protestants III – TWOR 051520


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