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Real Britannia: The Patriot Trap – RB 061520

Sven Longshanks and Max Musson discuss the obvious trap set for Patriots on Saturday, before finishing the presentation on Caractacus.

The ‘defend the monuments’ protest had been going for less than an hour before Mayor Khan tweeted that all the violence was being started by the ‘far right’.

Thankfully most genuine Nationalists had foreseen this happening and avoided the protest, leading to a much smaller incident than the one Khan was clearly hoping for.

Caractacus is handed over to Rome by a female traitor, but due to his warrior stature is given clemency and stays in Rome, while the traitor queen gets her just desserts by going down in infamy and losing her kingdom.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson

Real Britannia: The Patriot Trap – RB 061520


Civ-Nats chose scenario A, instead of staying where we were last week in scenario B:

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