Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson explains the changes in the new Russian constitution and why the Russian people support them.
Russia voted for a full week after June 23 on a set of over 200 amendments and essentially adopted a new constitution.
It passed with almost 78 percent of all voters accepting it. It is a monument to social nationalist thinking.
This replaces the 1993 constitution imposed on Russia by the banks. Russia in 1993 and Russia in 2020 are essentially two different countries. In 1993, Russia was headed to the fourth world, today, Russia is a superpower. Then, Russian elites were dependent on American and bankers money, today, Russia is drowning in gold and has no debt.
This broadcast summarizes the ideological nature of the huge number of Amendments that have revolutionized the Russian state.
Coming into effect on July 4, the new Russia is a monument to Putin, social nationalism and populism. Russia is indeed the leader of the free world.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Russia’s New Constitution – TON 070820
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/ 9pm BST
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